Tag: Radio City Music Hall /


At-Edge interview-Is it REAL or is it Porto?

James_Porto_Atedge_blog_interview_Real_Cost_FDA_Anti-Smoking_Campaign_Monsters_Legacy_Effects_Jackie_Anzaldi_025At-Edge, the monumental photo industry sourcebook that features only 155 select photographers in their illustrious collection of global photographic talent, has honored me with a blog interview. It features the latest major project I was involved with, The Real Cost, a nationwide anti-smoking campaign awarded by FCB NY ad agency and their client the Food and Drug Administration. It also delves into several other projects that I’ve been involved with lately (Powder, Overload, and  Rockettes); this is some serious eye candy folks, don’t miss it, feel free to check it out here, and of course share if you are inspired.

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Rockettes 75th Anniversary Book

Radio City Music Hall in Manhattan is one of America’s most iconic venues. When you add the distinctive high-kicking precision dance routine of the world-famous Rockettes, you have the makings of a dream photographic assignment.

The project was to mark the 75th Anniversary of the Rockettes’ Christmas Spectacular in a photographic book.

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